Our Medicines

At Samadi Healing we hold shamanic ceremonies with the master plants of Ayahuasca, San Pedro, and Tobacco. We also work with the Amazonian medicine of Kambo and enrich our traditional shamanic practices with healing modalities that help to harmonize body mind & spirit.

The sacred plant medicine San Pedro, also known as Huachuma, originates in South America's Andean regions, particularly in Peru and Ecuador.

Derived from the mescaline-containing Trichocereus cactus, notably the Echinopsis Pachanoi species, San Pedro has been used for centuries in traditional shamanic rituals.

Huachuma's alkaloids activate the heart center and the three lower centers of the body which makes it ideal for healing emotional aspects of our beings, like self-love, trauma and liberating ourselves from low-frequency vibrations like shame, guilt, and fear.

Samadi Healing holds shamanic ceremonies with the master plant of San Pedro. These ceremonies are guided by shamans and facilitators with decades of experience. The tools used for the journey are a combination of traditional shamanic arts and sound therapy.

San Pedro Medicine

The Benefits of San Pedro

  • Also known as the medicine of the heart, San Pedro helps participants to experience a heart-opening experience and view life from the perspective of the heart. A perspective that contributes to healing deep issues related to self-love and self-acceptance.

  • San Pedro's ability to stimulate and activate the three lower centers, namely the Solar Plexus, Sacral, and Root chakras, makes it uniquely suited to help heal deeply rooted issues concerning guilt, shame, and fear. Furthermore, participants often report enhanced self-awareness, and a profound sense of unity with their body and the world around them.

  • San Pedro's journey is gentle and transformative, with a smooth and harmonious integration process that results in the improvement of life in all its facets. San Pedro's holistic approach to healing has contributed to its recognition as a tool for personal transformation and an avenue for exploring consciousness.

Ayahuasca is a sacred plant medicine originating in the Amazon rainforest.

The concoction that forms the brew is typically made by mixing Banisteriopsis caapi vines with Psychotria viridis leaves (Chacruna) and varies according to the admixtures used. Traditions vary in their admixtures, which may include tobacco, datura, or barks of medicine trees.

The use of ayahuasca in indigenous shamanic practices is rich in history, and it has long been used as an aid for spiritual exploration and healing. The brew can induce altered states of consciousness, often accompanied by vivid visions and introspection.

Due to its ability to induce vomiting and diarrhea during ceremonial use, Ayahuasca is often referred to as a purgative. In a sense, this can be seen as an integral part of the ceremonial experience since they play a crucial role in the cleansing of both physical and energetic impurities promoting a sense of purification and renewal.

Ayahuasca Medicine

The Benefits of Ayahuasca

  • Ayahuasca is revered for its profound healing properties. Individual experiences vary, but Ayahuasca medicine has been known to help with trauma resolution. It does so by helping participants become observers of their past traumatic experiences. This allows them to see these past experiences from an objective and compassionate perspective. And in turn, allows them to acknowledge and neutralize them and let them pass

  • During communion with Ayahuasca, mental blocks, resistances, fears, and biases often become apparent. Thus, we can see these patterns more clearly. The medicine can help cleanse the mind and body of such patterns. By doing so, we will be able to return to a more authentic, vital, and purposeful version of ourselves.

  • Ayahuasca journeys can be both challenging and cathartic. That being said, many people also report experiencing peace, euphoria, or even out-of-body experiences. Usually, this is followed by profound revelations that alter the participant's view of the world.

Kambo is a potent healing substance derived from the secretions of the Phyllomedusa bicolor frog native to the Amazon rainforest.

It is used by many jungle tribes including the Matses people located on the border between Peru and Brazil. These tribes live together in harmony with the Kambo frog and it is one of their main medicines. We work directly with the indigenous tribe of Matses, in a fair exchange for the medicine of Kambo. This is done in a way that benefits all and doesn't harm anyone, including the Kambo frog.

Practitioners administer small amounts of Kambo through very gentle and small burn points on the skin. This allows the medicine to circulate through the lymphatic system. Bioactive peptides present in the secretion generally have a profound purgative effect, stimulating detoxification and immune function.

The Samadi Healing Retreats offer optional Kambo sessions to cover the purgative aspect of the experience and to prepare the energy body for the sacred plant ceremony.

Kambo Medicine

The Benefits of Kambo

  • Kambo medicine is known for its deep purifying properties and wide range of benefits. Its bioactive peptides are capable of assisting in the detoxification of the body, as well as supporting the immune system and alleviating various health conditions.

  • The Kambo experience facilitates the release of emotional blockages and traumas since many blocks can be stored in the lymphatic system.

  • Spiritually, Kambo is seen as a transformative tool, fostering an empowered connection to self and promoting a sense of purpose. The sessions often lead to participants experiencing increased clarity of thinking, spiritual insight, and increased energy levels.

Different indigenous and shamanic traditions worldwide hold sacred significance to tobacco medicine, distinct from commercial tobacco use.

There are many types of tobacco strains. We use Nicotiana rustica and Nicotiana Tabacum leaves at Samadi Healing. Tobacco is served to our guests as a brew and helps promote spiritual healing, regeneration, and deep connection. We consider working with tobacco to be an advanced shamanic practice. It is offered as part of a Shamanic dieta at Samadi Healing for guests who have attended at least one previous retreat with us.

Tobacco’s capacity to heal, purify, and regenerate is truly unique and very powerful. Easily one of the most potent Master plants in the world.

Tobacco Medicine

The Benefits of Tobacco

A Tobacco shamanic Dieta is based on a disciplined and intentional communion with the spirit of tobacco. For seven days, participants spend time in isolation and solitude and given a Tobacco medicine brew each day. The experience includes a very restricted diet consisting of fruits in the morning and a very basic vegetable soup, without salt for lunch.

Benefits can include realigning and cleansing the energy field, providing guidance in significant matters, realigning the nervous system, eliminating parasites, increasing frequency, and allowing participants to tap into higher levels of consciousness. Tobacco shamanic Dieta is a transformative journey that requires commitment and respect.

“I suffer from PTSD and San Pedro was instrumental in helping me deal with it. The San Pedro experience, unlike other plant medicines I have tried, is gentler and immersed in nature. It is like time stops and one can absorb nature's healing energy instantly.”

— Abhi N (UK)