Tobacco Dieta Retreat

Nov 10 – 20, 2024

A Shamanic Dieta is an opportunity for deep cleansing and healing on an energetic, psychological, and physical level. It can serve as a milestone for anyone who feels called to dive deeper on their journey of healing and growth. On this 11-day Tobacco Dieta, we work with two powerful and sacred medicines; Tobacco and San Pedro.

We work with tobacco in the form of a tea, brewed from the pure and natural Tobacco plant called Nicotiana Rustica; a tobacco plant native to South America. It is a very potent and medicinal variety of tobacco that has been used for thousands of years in shamanic practices.

Until today, tobacco is being used as an antiseptic, sedative, purgative, and pain relieving medicine. A tobacco dieta therefore specifically supports the intention to cleanse and move heavy energies as well as relieve emotional blockages caused by deep traumatic situations.

San Pedro
In preparation for our Tobacco dieta we will start our retreat with one San Pedro ceremony. This pre-diet ceremony will support the cleansing, centering, and opening of your energy field before the dieta to help you ease your way into the 7-day journey with Tobacco.

This gentle and heart-opening medicine opens a door to the wonder and beauty of your being and facilitates transformation in a manner that is both nurturing and supportive, inviting you to see through your limitations and false beliefs to the truth of who you really are.

Tobacco Dieta

During your Tobacco Dieta you will spend 7 days in solitude and in deep communion and reflection with this powerful Master plant. Being in solitude and without distractions allows for the perfect environment to delve deep into the inner being, explore consciousness, and work with the spirit of Tobacco to heal and evolve.

Every day you will be served diet-friendly food to keep your energy field open and aligned. You will also receive the Tobacco tea which you will consume each day in the space of a small personalized ceremony guided by Samer.

Addictive or deeply ingrained patterns can get challenged during a Tobacco dieta which gives us a real opportunity to free ourselves and make changes to our behaviors, perspectives, emotions, and therefore our lives.

Please note that we only accept guests to join this dieta, who have worked with us before and have participated in at least one Samadi Healing retreat.

  • We offer additional medicines and practices during our retreats that can be supportive of your healing journey:

    Iridology Reading: An Iridology Reading is a window into your health and a map to uncover disease or its potential

    The iris of the eye is the most complex tissue of the body meeting the outside world. The iris is connected to every organ and tissue of the body by way of the brain and nervous system … Read More

    Food & Health Consultation: In this session, we discuss the current state of your health, as well as your healing objectives, and formulate dietary and lifestyle changes you can make to address your condition … Read More

    Marma Therapy: Marma Therapy is an Aryuvedic acupressure technique that can help to relieve stress and blocked energy through light stimulation of specific points on the body … Read More

  • On non-ceremony days we offer optional yoga classes to help integrate the energetic changes through gentle movement & meditation. We also meet for group talks, and one-on-one check-ins to talk about your experiences and intentions.

    We are with you on your journey and we support you before and after the retreat. In order to prepare you in the best possible way we include a Consultation session prior to the retreat. Additionally, and as part of the integration process, we include a post-retreat call with concrete guidance to help support your journey back home.

    If you have any questions please check our answers to the most frequently asked questions here.

    However, If you have any additional questions then please don’t hesitate to contact us via email or book an in-person Discovery call with us.

$3,480 (USD)

Retreat Schedule

Day 1

Arrival & Fire Ceremony

Day 2

San Pedro Ceremony

Day 3

Day 1 - Tobacco Dieta

Day 4

Day 2 - Tobacco Dieta

Day 4 - Tobacco Dieta

Day 3 - Tobacco Dieta

Day 5

Day 6

Day 7

Day 5 - Tobacco Dieta

Day 6 - Tobacco Dieta

Day 8

Day 11

Day 9

Day 7 - Tobacco Dieta

Finish Dieta - Integration - Fire Ceremony

Leave Day

Day 10